Little Rann of Kutch

Little Rann of Kutch

Flight of an Eastern Imperial Eagle (Juvenile)

Indian Wild Ass

Indian Wild Ass, also called the Ghudkhur, khur or Indian onager in the local gujarati language. The species is currently lists as Nearly Threatened. In Dec of 2014 the population was estimated at 4500.

The coat of this species is golden brown/sandy but varies from reddish grey to pale chestnut. The animal possesses an erect, dark mane which runs from the back of the head and along the neck. The is then followed by a dark brown stripe running along the back, to the root of the tail.
Indian wild asses graze between dawn and dusk, they feed on grass, leaves, fruits of plant, crops etc.

The image on the left is typical behaviour of the wild ass taking a dry mud bath.

Peregrine Falcon – Fighter Plane of the skies

The Peregrine Falcon is a large crow sized falcon. It has a blue grey back, barred white underparts and black head.

The falcon is renowned for its speeds, reaching over 320 km/h-200 mph during it characteristic hunting stoop, high speed dive, making it the fastest bird in the world, as well as the fastest member of the animal kingdom.

Its diet consists exclusively of medium-sized birds, they occasionally hunt small mammals and reptiles or even insects.

They mate for life and nest in scrape, cliff edges or tall human made structures.

The falcon has become an endangered species in many areas because of widespread use of certain pesticides, especially DDT.


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