
Photographing Fire Works

Shot on July 4th 2015, Acadia National Park, Acadia, Maine, USA

Shooting fireworks is fun, one needs to constantly adjust the camera settings in order to get the correct exposure as dusk changes to pitch black skies. There is always an element of unpredictability each time one shoots fireworks. For starters one needs to do the following in order to get good firework images.

Use a sturdy tripod, remote or cable release for the shutter, extra batteries for the long exposure images.

Set your ISO to the lowest as long exposure tends to increase noise
Turn off Long Exposure NR.
Set the camera to Manual Mode for exposure with a decent aperture, do some test shots.
Set the shutter speed between 2 to 20 seconds depending on the aperture being used.
Set the lens to the widest focal length available, make sure to include landscape, objects in the frame.



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